I work at the polls. The first day of early voting was Saturday. This is me dealing with animal feeding before dawn. So glad I have a golf cart with lights so I didn’t have to juggle a flashlight and feed buckets. The girls are always ready to eat so they didn’t mind the early wake up call.
When we arrived at the annex, the parking lot was full with a line of people stretching to from the door into the parking lot all the way to the street.
We sat down in front of the machines at 8:30 and got up at 12:30 to change shifts. No time for breaks. We voted 518 people in 4 hours with just 2 of us working the evid machines. When the day ended at 4:30, the total was over 800.
The voters were great. The back up from the elections office was amazing. The other workers who sanitized, answered questions, handled the other equipment for the voting process were as busy as we were. Such a great start for our countdown to the election. A really great day!!
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