Plot Twist or Writer Headache? Writer’s Choice.
Prepared or not, a writer can plan, envision or plot every word but occasionally the characters just take over the story. A writer can fight the characters or see the plot twist as a challenge to follow the detour to see where it takes him or her. It all depends on how you view it.
Hidden Fire, Book 6 of the Live Oak Series is currently on its second plot twist. With more than fifty books under my writing belt, I’ve learned to listen to my characters. More often than not, they have an IDEA! that I hadn’t considered. My attitude is what have I got to lose by listening?
After all if I don’t like what they have to say or what they are showing me, there is always the ultimate power, commonly called the delete button.
In Hidden Fire, Trey has finally had an impact on Tina’s horizon.
The woman certainly is strong, determined and smart. She and her best friend, Jennifer have started a party planning business and are making it work in a small town and an iffy economy. Her own family makes it clear they think she is just marking time until she can get married in Light the Fire, Book 5 of the Live Oak Series.

Trey sees more than that in her. She has hidden fires even she doesn’t realize burn white hot. When her eyes flash with temper and determination, Trey sees the real woman behind the hard won control.
Then when small town gossip, more friendly than unkind, challenges her father’s rigid beliefs, all hell breaks loose. Therein lies the the twist I hadn’t even considered. Trust me, at three fifteen this morning, Tina and her father had a confrontation that still has my ears ringing. I can’t wait to see what the next chapter brings.
I’m awake enough now to appreciate their input. This morning, not so much since the story was not just taking a detour. It was on an entirely different road. It’s a good thing I love surprises and challenges. Besides, there is always the delete button if I change my mind.
As this is the last book planned for the Live Oak Series, I am enjoying collecting on the threads of the other books and weaving them together for the beginning of the future for Live Oak. Your imagination can supply any details for what happens after I write the last word of Hidden Fires.
If you have any questions or just want to chat about writing, please use my contact form to leave a message. I love hearing from all of you and I answer all comments personally.
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