Nearing the end of week six. I, all my friends and family are sheltering in place. We are all well. My heart and thoughts go out to all those suffering the effects of this virus. Thanks and appreciation to all who are on the front lines fighting the medical war and the economic war. You are all heroes.
On my home front, I am determined to be as positive as possible, as I, like everyone else, am finding new ways to cope with sheltering place. This isolation time has had a number of positives for me. I have discovered the joys of ordering online in stores in my area and driving to a designated spot for pick-up. I am not a shopper. Before quarantine, I would pick a day & make a huge list of everywhere I had to shop and tick each store off with a sigh of relief as I filled the car with needed items. Unloading was a chore.
Now, I love giving my list to someone else to handle the task of picking up this item and then traversing a huge store to get another item ten aisles away. Then there is check-out, an adventure I don’t miss at all. Next, shoving a loaded cart through a crowded parking lot, dodging backing cars, people and other shoppers with carts, I squeeze between two vehicles, avoiding banging mine or anyone’s car to load everything in the car or truck. Don’t miss that either. Oh, I forgot, returning the cart to either the parking lot corral or back to the store then trekking back to my vehicle.
My new normal is leisurely shopping with my lapt0p and a cup of tea at my elbow. I click a few keys, review my order and enjoy a chapter or two in my current reading material. An email arrives about pick-up time. Print that out then pop into my vehicle for a drive to the store. Give them a call to announce arrival and out comes my order. ID verified, they load and off I go.
There is an added benefit in that I am supporting businesses in this critical time. Even stores that don’t have designated pick-up offer ways to still shop and go. So much easier and safer. Plus, this is a big plus for me, I am getting faster with various computer operations. Another plus is that I can fill my list of items in about half the time.
Translated, that means more hours to write. I love that part. Today I will be finishing the rough draft of what I have nicknamed my quarantine book. Its real title is Truth Tells, second book in the Truth Series. Its beginning coincided with the beginning of shelter in place for our area.
I hope by the time it is ready for release, we all will be released to enjoy meeting friends and family face to face. Zoom and facetime are great but I miss human contact. Until then, stay safe and healthy everyone.